Sunday, June 20, 2010

Foot Loose

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE to dance. A few problems: I have two left feet, no rhythm, and I can never find the beat. My sister Sumner always asks why I am snapping at inappropriate parts in a song. I am good at one thing: choreographing. As soon as I hear a hip hop song my mind clears and I picture myself in an MTV music video. I start moving and I feel like I look GREAT. That is when everything stops and my straight laced boyfriend says things like…

“That does Not look nice”

“There is no in between with you; it’s either off or all out of control.”

“Do you have to dance like that?”

This confuses me; I think I look like one of Jay Z’s back up dancers. Maybe even J Lo? Not to Derek. Sometimes he laughs and sometimes he says things like “can you just tone it down?” I respond with “well maybe I should just stop dancing”? To my surprise, he said “I think that would be best!” How rude…

To all my fans: I will never stop dancing. There is someone special who loves to watch me dance, we even slow dance together.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog b/c we have the same career. Just wanted you to know that I LOVE your slow dance partner. It reminds me of our pet, she's a solid black dane and is taller than 6 feet. PRECIOUS, keep on dancing and love it!
